Daily-Trend-Review 107

2024/01/20: 스터디 내용 정리

https://www.semianalysis.com/p/gpt-4-architecture-infrastructure GPT-4 Architecture, Infrastructure, Training Dataset, Costs, Vision, MoE Demystifying GPT-4: The engineering tradeoffs that led OpenAI to their architecture. www.semianalysis.com 인간은 평균적으로 250 words/sec 속도로 단어를 읽음 일부는 최대 1000 words/sec 속도로 단어를 읽음 Extending Context Length in Large Language Models Long sequence의 모델을 어떻게 학습시킬 수 있을까? 컨..

Daily-Trend-Review 2024.01.20

2023/12/25: Towards 100x Speedup: Full Stack Transformer Inference Optimization

https://yaofu.notion.site/Towards-100x-Speedup-Full-Stack-Transformer-Inference-Optimization-43124c3688e14cffaf2f1d6cbdf26c6c Towards 100x Speedup: Full Stack Transformer Inference Optimization | Built with Notion Imagine two companies have equally powerful models. Company A can serve the model to 10 users with 1 GPU, but company B can serve 20 users. Who will win in the long run? yaofu.notion.s..

Daily-Trend-Review 2023.12.25