Daily-Trend-Review 107

2023/03/19: 챗봇, alpaca, OpenAI의 영리화 등

1.지금은 챗봇 전성시대! source: https://modulabs.co.kr/blog/chatbot_era/ openai: Chatgpt google: Bard meta : LLaMA google deepmind: Sparrow 2. Prompts for communicators using the new AI-powered Bing source: https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2023/03/16/prompts-for-communicators-using-the-new-ai-powered-bing/ 3. Alpaca: A Strong, Replicable Instruction-Following Model source: https://crfm.stanford.edu/2023/..

Daily-Trend-Review 2023.03.19

2023/03/16: Chat GPT Business Idea, Transformer 추론 최적화 등

1. Chat GPT Business Ideas for 2023 SaaS, Services & More source: https://medium.com/cloud-believers/chat-gpt-business-ideas-for-2023-saas-services-more-9645247b3809 2. Large Transformer Model Inference Optimization source: https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-01-10-inference-optimization 3. Differences between autoregressive, autoencoding and sequence-to-sequence-models in machine-learning s..

Daily-Trend-Review 2023.03.16

2023/03/12: 학습 데이터 문제, AI 모델이 의식을 가질 수 있을 것인지..

1. Revolutionizing Natural Language Understanding: GPT-3’s In-Context Learning source: https://medium.com/@yu-joshua/revolutionizing-natural-language-understanding-gpt-3s-in-context-learning-f49c8460ea20 2. Don’t Blame the AI: It’s the Training Data source: https://medium.com/ravenpack/dont-blame-the-ai-it-s-the-training-data-9ddd97df1d9a 다음에 검색 엔진이나 챗봇이 잘못되거나 이상한 답변을 제공할 때 당신을 실망시키는 것은 학습 데이터입니..

Daily-Trend-Review 2023.03.12

2023/03/08: Disffusion Models Course, LM vs Thinking 등

1. Hugging Face Diffusion Models Course source: https://github.com/huggingface/diffusion-models-class?fbclid=IwAR0ASAMOhtSKY3tyG7NfY5eIUEJCoG1TNkDduL1qpQgq4ifpP5qdWwZxgfI Free Course (Sign-up 필요함) 👩‍🎓 Study the theory behind diffusion models 🧨 Learn how to generate images and audio with the popular 🤗 Diffusers library 🏋️‍♂️ Train your own diffusion models from scratch 📻 Fine-tune existing diffus..

Daily-Trend-Review 2023.03.08