
2023/04/12: Large Model 학습 레시피

hellcat 2023. 4. 12. 08:39

1. A Recipe for Training Large Models

source: https://wandb.ai/craiyon/report/reports/Recipe-Training-Large-Models--VmlldzozNjc4MzQz?

2. 5 Lessons Learned from Adding ChatGPT to a Mature Product

source: https://blog.trymito.io/5-lessons-learned-from-adding-chatgpt-to-a-mature-product/?

3. Training 175B Parameter Language Models at 1K GPU scale with Alpa and Ray

source: https://www.anyscale.com/blog/training-175b-parameter-language-models-at-1000-gpu-scale-with-alpa-and-ray

4. Eight Things to Know about Large Language Model

source: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2304.00612