
24/03/10: It is fake AGI, stupid!

hellcat 2024. 3. 10. 07:54

Open Source AI is AI we can Trust - with Soumith Chintala of Meta AI


Open Source AI is AI we can Trust — with Soumith Chintala of Meta AI

Listen now | The PyTorch creator riffs on geohot's Tinygrad, Chris Lattner's Mojo, Apple's MLX, the PyTorch Mafia, the upcoming Llama 3 and MTIA ASIC, AI robotics, and what it takes for open source AI to win!



LLM inference Provider LeaderBoard


LLM Inference Provider Leaderboard

A live, unbiased benchmark on LLM inference APIs made by Martian



1.1 - Semiconductor Industry: Present & Future (Kevin Zhang)


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It is fake AGI, studpid!


It is fake AGI, stupid!

The citation of the year: "creating AGI will require huge amounts of compute and thus the world will know who is working on it". Planning for AGI and beyond.



LLMs from scratch 


GitHub - rasbt/LLMs-from-scratch: Implementing a ChatGPT-like LLM from scratch, step by step

Implementing a ChatGPT-like LLM from scratch, step by step - rasbt/LLMs-from-scratch



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